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Friday, April 15, 2016

Let's see what you've got, life.

     As a Peace Corps Volunteer you experience an extreme roller coaster of emotions during service. It is said that during Peace Corps you will experience some of he highest highs, but also the lowest lows. For about 8 months my roller coaster seemed to only be going up. I had shrugged off the possibility of having serious lows, because how could I ever be so upset when I've finally made it to where I want to be? Well life came back hard and reminded me. Lately I've been in a slump with school. Teaching has been less rewarding than usual and my students are getting worn out from their studies. The energy that I used to have when teaching faded, and waking up to go teach became more and more difficult. Then my house became overrun with a driver ant infestation, which everyone should google to understand how horrible that is. Thousands of these asshole creatures took over my courtyard, kitchen, and bathroom. Want to go pee? Too bad you're going to have to go outside somewhere or you will be covered in ants that bite harder than any other insect. "Wow mother nature this is pretty screwed up. I'm having rough time just let me be." - me to myself as I wallowed in self pity. On top of the ants I found out that the Tanzanian I had essentially been seeing for five months was a pathological liar and had been sleeping with anyone possible behind my back. So that was another stone that life chucked at my head. Before I let myself get overwhelmed with all the shit that happened I realized that this was a good thing. What if I had gotten trapped even further in such a toxic relationship? What if the ants had overrun my bedroom instead of my kitchen and bathroom? What if I never got in to Peace Corps? Yeah shitty things happen in life, but I'm here and so many good things are happening that I have just been ignoring.

     I went with Ibrahima to his village to greet his mom and see the changes he wanted to make to this room, and when we arrived 10 little kids were following me around everywhere. They giggled every time we talked and were so joyful just because I had showed up to the house. Ibu and I went into town to hang out for a bit, and the villagers were circled around playing games. They were all happy to have me join in as well. One of the grandfathers was convinced that I couldn't understand anyone even after Ibu assured him I speak Swahili, but very little Makonde. During the trip back to my house I ran into friends, people came out of their houses and waved as I passed, and I realized I have no time to be upset. Yeah life sucks at times, and their are some genuinely shitty people in the world. Cut the bad people out of your life, because there are so many reasons to be happy. I had just closed my eyes to these things for too long, and damn am I happy to be aware again.

Sorry for all the language grandma, but I'm pretty damn happy right now.

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Get in touch with me


During training:

Jared Swanson PCT

Peace Corps Training Site

Office Box 9123

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

During service:

PO Box 440 Newala, Mtwara, TZ

Phone number/ Whatsapp

+255 675 008 979 (Keep the + if you are in the states)


All opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone, and in no way reflect the positions of the United States Government or the Peace Corp.