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Monday, June 13, 2016

An unwanted, but necessary post.

This shouldn't be necessary, but given the responses to the attack on the LGBT community it apparently is.

I currently live in an Islamic community

I have found support in my neighbors.
I have found comfort in my community.
I have found love and acceptance in my village.
I have found encouragement in my students.
I have found a home in a community that many Americans have begun to condemn.

Why is it that America is so quick to point fingers at Islam whenever an act of terror occurs? Are we, as Americans, too proud to ever label a terrorist as an American? Or is it because Americans are too ashamed to accept that this could possibly be their own fault? With the attempts at passing a vast amount of anti LGBT laws in America's recent past it comes as a shock that we continue to put the blame on another source. This act of terror was not linked to an entire religion. It was not caused by Islam, and I can not stress that enough. This tragedy took root in the hatred that has been housed in the minds of Americans. The misunderstanding that is reinforced with every law, and every comment that continues to take arms against the LGBT community. This tragedy was supported by the outdated gun laws that American's refuse to reconsider despite the growing number of casualties that it claims. Are we too embarrassed to admit that there could be a better way of doing things? Are we too scared that changing our laws will be seen as weakness? The way we have continued has been shown to be unsuccessful, yet we continue to send prayers and thoughts. We cross our fingers and hope that maybe, just maybe, there won't be a next time. How could something so cruel happen? Because we are allowing it to happen. Time and time again we have been shocked, but not to the point of doing something about it. We have seen our friends, our families, even our children take the toll for our arrogance. I believe it is true that as long as there is enough hatred in the hearts of mankind there will be a way for cruel things to occur. However, we have the power to mitigate these events and are just refusing to put forth the effort required.

Preach love, show acceptance, and avoid hate. Do not, even for a second, try to blame an entire religion for a tragic event just because you cannot take it upon your own shoulders to try to make a change.

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During training:

Jared Swanson PCT

Peace Corps Training Site

Office Box 9123

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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PO Box 440 Newala, Mtwara, TZ

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