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About me

A quick introduction

My name is Jared and I grew up in rural Illinois. After high school I went on to study at the University of Wisconsin - Madison where I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Zoology and Environmental Studies. The time I spent in college inspired me to spread what I learned and volunteer for the Peace Corps. I have been quite privileged with the life I was given, and it is my hope that I can use that privilege to help others who were not presented with the same opportunities that I was.

My Peace Corps assignment is as a Secondary Education Science Teacher in Tanzania. Volunteers are assigned to schools ranging in difficulties equivalent to American high school up to the first two years of college. The goals of the Tanzanian education project are to improve student achievements in Math, Science, and English proficiency. We also aim to improve host country content based, student-centered teaching techniques. Education volunteers are expected to carry the same teaching load as Tanzanian teachers, and work on secondary projects focusing on their students/community.


Jared Swanson

Personal info

Jared Swanson

UW - Alumni

Peace Corps Volunteer

Aspiring Wildlife Conservationist

Birthday: May 10, 1993
Phone number: +255 675 008 979
E-mail: jrswanson@uwalumni.com

Moving Forward

A glance at my life and goals

Packing Suggestions

  • Dental Floss will make you so many friends in PST

    Pour Over coffee pot/ Hand grinder

  • Hammock

    External Harddrive full of movies/books/tv shows/ music

    Ear plugs

  • Sriracha

Bucket List

  • Work with apex predator restoration

    Summit Kilimanjaro

    Visit Serengeti National Park

    Travel to each continent

    Become fluent in three languages

  • Become a citizen of South Africa

    Learn to surf

    Be proud

    See the seven wonders

    Get a dog

    Learn another culture's culinary techniques

  • Graduate College UW - Madison

    Get a half sleeve, or full sleeve

    Pay off student loans

    Move to a new city with old friends

    Cage Dive in Cape Town

    Join the Peace Corps

Hobbies & Interests

Wildlife & Environmental Conservation


Friday, September 25, 2015

Traveling vs Immersing

   I've already learned a lot from the little time I've been living in Tanzania, which has made me realize the differences between traveling and actually experiencing another country. If it wasn't for Peace Corps I wouldn't have had the opportunity to learn how to cook on a charcoal jiko with the mama's,  I wouldn't be sitting down with the wazee of my village and drinking street coffee while I talk about life here compared to life in America, and I wouldn't have built great relationships with community members or students. Granted I also wouldn't be listening to rats run above me every night, or have to deal with my neighbors chickens coming into my house every day, and I definitely wouldn't have crammed into a Daladala with 20 extra people just to get into town. However, the negatives are so miniscule in the scheme of what I am getting out of my life here. Yeah I'd rather not have seen that giant cockroach in my bathroom, but I'd see it every day if it meant I could continue teaching here.
     If I hadn't joined Peace Corps I still would have followed my dreams to Africa, but in a much different style than how I currently am. I would be spending 20 times my monthly pay if I had decided to simply travel. It would pretty sweet to be on a safari, or on the beaches of Zanzibar, or hiking Kilimanjaro. But, if I was doing that I would be in the tourist areas that don't really have as much to offer me (besides safi food). I would even still be referring to the separate islands of Zanzibar as Zanzibar. I wouldn't have had my host family to teach me how cards are shuffled here, and what card games are played. My Swahili would still be at the same level it was in the states, since you can get by with English in the bigger cities, and I would seal my financial fate at the market by using English. I had no desire to go to the region that I currently call home, but because I am here I've been able to watch the sunset over Mozambique from the top of the Newala Plateau. 

     My day to day life has drastically changed from what it once was. My hands are becoming calloused just from the work I put into a meal, or drinkable water. I haven't even been here for four months and I've already benefited so much. I'm excited to see who I am after two years. Some people may think that life like this is difficult, but it's incredibly rewarding compared to my life in America. I'm proud of myself for overcoming different obstacles that I've been presented with here. In the end I wouldn't have had to face the vast majority of these if I had just traveled. Life could have been incredibly different if I didn't join the Peace Corps, but then I wouldn't have actually known Tanzania would I? You can travel the world as much as you want, but that doesn't mean you will experience all the world can offer you in return


A little about my new home

Just in case


The two official languages of Tanzania are English and (Ki)swahili. However, an estimated 129 other languages are spoken throughout the country.


Tanzania is about 1.36 times as big as Texas, or a little over twice the size of California.


Religious groups in Tanzania are composed of Christians, Muslims, and Indigenous beliefs. Each of these groups has relatively equal numbers. However, Zanzibar island is vastly represented by Muslims.

Africa's Highest Point

The highest point in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, is located in Tanzania. Just in case

Serengeti National Park

Tanzania is home to one of Africa's highest recognized parks, the Serengeti National Park. This park covers a vast 15000 km². Africa's big five are widely represented here, and is thought to host the largest lion population.


Get in touch with me


During training:

Jared Swanson PCT

Peace Corps Training Site

Office Box 9123

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

During service:

PO Box 440 Newala, Mtwara, TZ

Phone number/ Whatsapp

+255 675 008 979 (Keep the + if you are in the states)


All opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone, and in no way reflect the positions of the United States Government or the Peace Corp.